Latest news from Jamie Parker MP

Welcome to our new and improved electorate newsletter!jamie-parker-light-rail.jpg

Read about our success in defending the Glebe Youth Service from eviction – this month we threw a party to welcome them
home. We continue our campaign to introduce student concessions on light rail, protect NSW from Coal Seam Gas mining, support TAFE and protect it from more cuts, and save Sydney's nightlife. You can also get the latest updates on developments in Leichhardt (the Kolotex/Labelcraft sites) and Glebe/Forest Lodge (Harold Park).

I’m often out in the electorate visiting constituents, talking to local business owners and enjoying our high streets - if you see me out and about please stop and say hi!

As always, I’m keen to hear your feedback so please reply to this email and let me know what you think.


Best wishes,

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stduent_light_rail_newsletter.jpgAllow Student Travel On Light-rail

As the Inner West Light Rail extension opens up, the need to allow student concessions becomes even more important. For students and parents, using the light rail to and from school is vital. Read more...
 -better for parents
 -better for students
 -better for the environment


mandatory_minimums1.jpgMandatory Minimum Sentencing

Mandatory sentencing is used by governments throughout the world to appear to be tough on crime without doing anything significant to address the causes or effects of crime in our communities.The people of NSW are looking for a principled opposition yet there were just three MPs who were willing to take a stand against this unjust legislation. Read more...


fenton.jpgCoal Seam Gas Meeting

Last month, over 100 residents filled Leichhardt Town Hall to hear American farmer John Fenton who was touring Australia, speaking about the dangers of coals seam gas. After his own experience with drilling on his farm, John made it his goal to educate people on the dangers CSG and unconventional gas extraction. Read more...

icecream_man.jpgWelcome Home Glebe Youth services!

I hosted a celebration at Glebe Youth Services as they restarted services in their home on Glebe Point Road. Our campaign reversed the eviction of the service and marked a great win for our community. Read more...

harold_park.jpgHarold Park Development Update

I'm continuing our fight for an appropriate development on the site. The huge supermarket in the old tram sheds is the latest issue.. Read more...


save-tafe.jpgSave TAFE

I'm continuing my efforts to defend TAFE from the cuts and privatisation of TAFE.  Over 100 people heard from union representatives and teaching experts on the critical role of TAFE and the need to save TAFE. Read more...   


White-Bay-Cruise.jpgWhite Bay Cruise Ship Terminal

One of the biggest local issues to arise over the past few months has been pollution, both noise and air, coming from cruise ships in port at the White bay terminal. Over recent months we have received numerous calls for help relating to this site. Please read on to find out more about this HERE.

drink_laws.pngSave Sydney nightlife!

The NSW government recently announced sweeping changes which will impact significantly on the vibrancy and diversity of our nightlife, while failing to properly address the very real problem of alcohol-fuelled violence. Read more...


kolotex.jpgKolotex development site

The Department of Planning & Infrastructure is considering a developer’s request to re-zone the former Kolotex and Labelcraft factory sites along George Street, Leichhardt, to allow 350 new apartments plus retail and commercial space. Read More...


Get_involved1.jpgGet involved!

As your local member I am always working on projects to make our community a better place to live. I need your help to make these campaigns work! We have opportunities for phone calling, community meetings, office work and more. Simply follow the link below, fill out the form for volunteering, and we'll get right back to you to chat about projects we have for you! Read more...


You can read all of my parliamentary speeches online HERE

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