
Hello and welcome to the next edition of our e-newsletter.There is much good news to be celebrated including some well-deserved community grants, the opening of the light rail extension and a resolution on the use of the Balmain Rd sports ground at Callan Park. However, on other issues there is still much work to be done and we hope for your continued support. 

Best wishes,

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Public Housing Sell-Off

I will continue to stand up for public housing tenants who are living at the whim of the Liberal Government determined to sell-off housing stock without adequate replacements. The recent proposal to sell-off public housing at Millers Point is a red flag for similar housing in the inner west including significant communities in Balmain and Glebe. Read more...



Community Reaps Rewards
I am excited to announce that a range of fantastic community groups have reaped the rewards of the Community Building Partnerships programme which provides much needed funds for a variety of projects from kitchens to gardens to sports equipment Read more...


Callan Park Resolution

The Balmain Road sporting ground will be ready for the winter season after a frustrating dispute over the use of a NSW Ambulance car park was finally resolved. I took up the issue with Planning Minister Brad Hazzard, who worked with Health Minister Jillian Skinner to reach an agreement. Read more...


Victory for Light Rail

After fighting for the Inner West light rail extension for over a decade, I was delighted to be one of the first to travel on the new line from Dulwich Hill when it launched last week. This followed a dedicated campaign over many years by local residents, community groups and transport advocates Read more...


white_bay.jpgWhite Bay Cruise Ship Terminal

A meeting of over 100 residents highlighted the impact of the cruise ship terminal with ongoing problems of excessive noise and air quality problems. You might be surprised to hear that ships in port do not have ship to shore power. This means that while they are in, they are burning diesel fuel the entire time! I am committed to working towards an environmentally, socially sustainable solution for residents.  Read More...



A Metre Matters Legislation

We are determined to make a difference for cyclists in NSW with the push for legislation which requires motorists to allow a one metre in distance when overtaking. NSW is the most dangerous state to be a cyclist, with an average of 11 deaths per year for the past decade, constituting 30% of the country’s total fatalities. Read more...


Get_involved1.jpgGet involved!

As your local member I am always working on projects to make our community a better place to live. I need your help to make these campaigns work. We have opportunities for phone calling, community meetings, office work and more. Simply follow the link below, fill out the form for volunteering, and we'll get right back to you to chat about projects we have for you! Read more...


You can read all of my parliamentary speeches online HERE. Do you know someone who might enjoy this newsletter? Share it on FacebookTwitter, or forward it to a friend. If you were forwarded this email and want to sign up to receive it regularly, click HERE. If you have an issue you would like to discuss with me, please get in touch Monday to Friday HERE

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