Inner west electric buses save 292,000kg of CO2

Last year our community made headlines when we won one of Australia’s first electric bus trials right here in the inner west. 

We are now one year into the trial of four electric buses and the results are in! Sign the petition to make every inner west bus electric.

Not only have these clean green electric buses saved 292,000kg of CO2 (compared to the amount that would have been emitted by diesel buses) but they cost just a third to recharge compared to a conventional diesel bus.  

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One of the keys to this success is that the electric buses recycle about 35% of the energy they use through regenerative braking so stopping and starting in inner west traffic actually makes them more efficient!

Thanks to everyone who signed our petition or wrote to the government to help us secure this trial. It is so important to remember that changes like this don't come along by accident - they happen thanks to community pressure and local activism.

Our clean, green buses were even featured on the ABC’s Fight for Planet A, a program that looks for practical solutions to the climate crisis.

Now it's time to step things up. Following the success of this trial, we're pushing for the government to commit to making 100% of the inner west bus fleet electric. Sign the petition here.

It's so wonderful to see the results of our community campaigns gain national media coverage and together we can have an even bigger impact on pollution. Please sign our petition to make every bus in the inner west electric. 

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Sandra completed the survey: "What's Your Opinion On The Lockout Laws?".


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