Dogs indoors in pubs and cafés

Jamie is currently considering introducing a change to the law into parliament that would give the owners of pubs and cafés the right to decide whether dogs are allowed into indoor areas. What do you think?

For some background information, click here.

Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?

Showing 55 reactions

  • Claire Williams
    answered 2020-02-23 21:31:21 +1100
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: Yes agree
  • Claire Williams
    answered 2020-02-23 21:30:42 +1100
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Joey Ortega
    answered 2020-02-23 15:10:38 +1100
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Michel Hedley
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-12-04 15:37:56 +1100
    Take the survey: Stop dogs indoors in pubs and cafés
  • Laura Cunningham
    answered 2017-11-22 21:07:44 +1100
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: No! I would like to know how it would be decided (in a non-discriminatory way) which dogs are to be allowed into pubs and which are not? I have no issue with dogs but I don’t need them up close and personal with me while I am at the pub. Terrible idea!
  • Laura Cunningham
    answered 2017-11-22 21:04:29 +1100
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: No
  • Suzanne Cairns
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-10-22 19:51:13 +1100
    Take the survey: Dogs indoors in pubs and cafés
  • Alison Read
    answered 2017-10-13 11:10:54 +1100
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: This seems to be trivial and an appeal to popularism. Would the dogs need to be on leads?? If this were to go ahead, to ensure jurisdiction, the definition of a public place would need to be extended to include places to which the public have access but not as of right. There is a much more important issue of dogs entering crown reserves and attacking native animals. Dogs in Crown reserves do not legally need to be on a lead due to the restricted definition of a public place in the Act.
  • Alison Read
    answered 2017-10-13 11:06:12 +1100
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: No
  • Samantha Lam
    answered 2017-10-12 20:43:59 +1100
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Gavin Relph
    answered 2017-05-30 11:24:47 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: There are way to many dogs in Balmain. Our streets are just one big toilet, just take a look at our shopping strip its disgusting evidence of 1s and 2s are all over the place.
    I dont want to be sniffed by someones dog while I am eating or drinking thanks.
  • Peter Flaherty
    answered 2017-05-03 13:20:29 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: I have been trying to get my dog registered as a companion dog, so far no luck, because the authority says it has to be trained by a professional, what a crock of crap, I have been training dogs for over 50 years, hunting dogs, guard dogs, house dogs,when I get can I will will make an appointment to see you about this matter, thank you Cheers Peter
  • Peter Flaherty
    answered 2017-05-03 13:07:52 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Sue Willis
    answered 2017-05-01 11:25:01 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: Well behaved, friendly dogs should be able to accompany their owners just about anywhere, pub bars included. I can understand people not wanting dogs in restaurants, but I can’t see why there’s a problem having dogs in a public bar where drinks and bar food are served. I have a dog in my house, sometimes in the kitchen, even when we’re cooking, as far as I’m aware this never presented a health or hygiene issue to my family. Common sense and good hygiene practices should prevail at home, and in public, whether dogs are present or not. Dogs in pubs have been part of Balmain culture for years and as far as I can tell it’s never been a problem – get a grip people!
  • Sue Willis
    answered 2017-05-01 11:18:40 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Brian Gorman
    answered 2017-04-29 11:13:48 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: I love dogs (and all animals) but don’t own a dog because my brother is highly allergic to them. He suffers from asthma if he comes into contact with them and can’t go into establishments if dogs are there. I understand both points of view, especially the people that need their dogs if they suffer from a disability, but I’m not sure about everyone bringing their dogs into pubs & on public transport. My brother has been hospitalised in the past due to breathing difficulties after exposure to dogs. On the street he can avoid the contact but it’s hard when you unknowingly sit down on a surface that previously has had a dog in that spot.
  • Lyn Collingwood
    answered 2017-04-28 17:17:08 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: I have seen cafe staff pat dogs at footpath tables. It makes me feel bit uncertain re hygiene. There are plenty of outdoor areas for the inner west’s growing canine population.
  • Lyn Collingwood
    answered 2017-04-28 17:11:58 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: No
  • Amanda Wilson
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-04-25 12:34:13 +1000
    Take the survey: Dogs indoors in pubs and cafés
  • Amanda Wilson
    answered 2017-04-25 12:33:41 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: Absolutely, dogs should be allowed in pubs at the discretion of the publican. Those who don’t like dogs can frequent pubs run by like-minded publicans. Almost 40 percent of NSW households have a dog. Many of those households are single occupancy, with the dog being the main companion for his or her person. It seems unnecessarily cruel to dictate that they can’t accompany them for a drink to their local. It’s also damaging to business for the pubs, as we have seen in Balmain where Council has started enforcing an antiquated law in response to a bitter and vocal minority, who can’t seem to stand the thought of dogs. As a result – we no longer go to the pub.
  • Amanda Wilson
    answered 2017-04-25 12:27:37 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • ina neumueller
    answered 2017-04-24 06:20:38 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Gary Snowball
    answered 2017-04-10 18:57:25 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Rebecca Schepers
    answered 2017-04-06 11:46:12 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: Well behaved pets should be welcomed. They should also be allowed on public transport to ease access to the vet.
  • Rebecca Schepers
    answered 2017-04-06 11:43:59 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: Yes
  • Teresa Wilkinson
    answered 2017-04-06 09:10:00 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: you own a dog take care of it, if you can walk to a pub or cafe you can walk your dog in the park, just how many dogs will end up in the pub?, I for one don’t want to put up with dogs fighting, barking, scrapping or biting, don’t want to trip over your dog or dog’s lead, or step in your dog’s faeces
  • Teresa Wilkinson
    answered 2017-04-06 09:03:41 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: No
  • Wayne Carveth
    answered 2017-04-05 17:37:14 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: I don’t want to eat & drink with dogs or any other animals. I tolerate dogs at outdoor tables but even that gets on my nerves sometimes when I have to step over them to get inside. Heaven knows what would happen if you accidentally stepped onto its tail – probably nothing good, either be bitten or abused by the owner.
  • Wayne Carveth
    answered 2017-04-05 17:32:36 +1000
    Q: Do you think the law should permit dogs indoors in pubs and cafés, subject to the business owner's permission?
    A: No
  • Emma Milne
    answered 2017-04-05 15:07:15 +1000
    Q: Any other comments you'd like to make?
    A: I’d like to eat in peace without the smell or slobber.

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