Let the community decide

Join our Campaign to bring back our local councils!

Dear NSW Parliament,

We call on every NSW MP to commit to legislation that allows residents to vote in a binding de-merger plebiscite in any council that has been forced to merge by the Baird Government.

If a majority of residents support their council standing alone, then the law must provide for a council to be reinstated and a de-merger to occur at the soon as possible.

We make this demand because we believe that the community -- residents and local businesses-- not Mike Baird,  should decide the future of their local councils.

Who's signing

Murray Figg
Mark Ferrington
Astrid Zeman
Marilyn Hadfield
Doug Munro
Russell Campbell
Rosemary Peel
Jen Cuthbert
Libby Blainey
Lisette Armstrong
Tanya Notley
Sally James
Ann Morrison
Karen Dymond
Sophie Ellis
Jack Dempsey
Tracy Mann
Lynette Saville
David Dibden
Sharlene McColl
Joanne Gifford
Mark Lawton
jean-pierre alexandre
Ted Nixon
Kate Stratton
Felicity Barnes

Will you sign?

Showing 1124 reactions

  • Murray Figg
    signed 2016-05-13 17:42:38 +1000
  • Mark Ferrington
    signed 2016-05-13 17:42:35 +1000
  • Astrid Zeman
    signed 2016-05-13 17:40:32 +1000
  • Marilyn Hadfield
    signed 2016-05-13 17:39:22 +1000
    Reinstate our elected representatives.
  • Doug Munro
    signed 2016-05-13 17:38:50 +1000
  • Russell Campbell
    signed 2016-05-13 17:38:21 +1000
    Appalling behaviour in the first instance by the Labour/Liberal councillors in agreeing to any form of merger. Why wasn’t this put to the residents of LMC area for a vote in the first instance?. I am sure the majority of residents in Leichhardt Council area did not and do not want a merger. I can certainly say my household doesn’t!. Wasn’t LMC declared as “sustainable” when Baird and cohorts put the point of economic sustainability (ie not) as the reason for requiring amalgamations in the first place? What sort of “democracy” is this ? It certainly now appears that “Local Government” is a farce, developers will be able to do what they want, and we, the residents who live in this once beautiful area, will have to put up with the degradations that will ensue since we apparently no longer have any say about what happens in our environs. Raise the plebiscite ! Give the people who are affected – the ratepayers – the power they should have in the decisions that affect them !!
  • Rosemary Peel
    signed 2016-05-13 17:37:53 +1000
    Let our community decide our local representatives before we are totally trashed by developers and Liberal governments. Reinstate Leichhardt Council. Go Jamie our voice of reason.
  • Jen Cuthbert
    signed 2016-05-13 17:36:49 +1000
  • Libby Blainey
    signed 2016-05-13 17:36:23 +1000
    I can’t believe how corrupt Mike Baird is.

    When he was first elected, he seemed like a reasonable politician, but the following decisions show his true corrupt and power-hungry colours:

    1. Changing the route of the light rail from AJC land to Centenial Park, removing the trees.

    2. Forging ahead with WestConnex when it is just going to cause more inner city traffic chaos.

    3. The Lock-out laws, making Sydney a nanny city.

    4. Manildra – forcing all petrol stations to have ethanol fuel available so his mate, Dick Honan, will become richer and donate even more money to the Liberal Party.

    5. Succumbing to every wish of Jamie Packer and his casino monstrosity at Barangaroo.

    6. Anti Protest Laws.

    7. Anti Terrorism Laws where NSW Police will be able to detain and question terrorism suspects as young as 14 years old without charge for up to two weeks.

    8. The Tibby Cotter bridge and the underhand ‘giving’ over of moore park to more sports stadia.

    9. Council Amalgamations taking away residents rights.

    Don’t get me started …..
  • Lisette Armstrong
    signed 2016-05-13 17:36:00 +1000
  • Tanya Notley
    signed 2016-05-13 17:35:44 +1000
  • Karen Dymond
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-05-13 17:35:07 +1000
    Sign the petition: Let the community decide
  • Sally James
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:59 +1000
  • Ann Morrison
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:53 +1000
    Outrageous. Dictatorial. Highly politiced in application. This government mandates – westconnex, tree destruction in Anzac pde, leveraging fines against those who protest against csg…….We pay these people and on any performance review criteria – they have to go.
  • Sophie Ellis
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-05-13 17:34:50 +1000
    Sign the petition: Let the community decide
  • Karen Dymond
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:34 +1000
  • Sophie Ellis
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:28 +1000
  • Jack Dempsey
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:22 +1000
    Let the people decide..Jack Dempsey
  • Tracy Mann
    signed 2016-05-13 17:34:11 +1000
    I am appalled and dismayed as events unfold. Where is our democracy.? We must not let this happen.
  • Lynette Saville
    signed 2016-05-13 17:33:47 +1000
  • David Dibden
    signed 2016-05-13 17:31:50 +1000
  • Sharlene McColl
    signed 2016-05-13 17:31:27 +1000
  • Joanne Gifford
    signed 2016-05-13 17:31:14 +1000
  • Mark Lawton
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-05-13 17:30:33 +1000
    Sign the petition: Let the community decide
  • Mark Lawton
    signed 2016-05-13 17:29:43 +1000
  • jean-pierre alexandre
    signed 2016-05-13 17:29:10 +1000
  • Ted Nixon
    signed 2016-05-13 17:27:47 +1000
    Keep up the good work, Jamie.

    also spread the word re the [anti-]biodiversity act

    All the best,

  • Kate Stratton
    signed 2016-05-13 17:26:14 +1000
  • Felicity Barnes
    signed 2016-05-13 17:25:36 +1000
  • Stephen Flint
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-05-13 17:25:09 +1000
    Sign the petition: Let the community decide